Ben Stephens
Under 13 Coach

Matt Elliot
Under 13 Coach

Dan Hallett
Under 13 Coach


Under 13s start to introduce more positional type of play into their games. This include six player scrums with a number eight and includes more focus on game management. it is full contact with longer halves being played. Positions are allocated but the coaching team constantly reviews and support players to develop into other position.


Generally training is from 10:00 – 12:00 on a Sunday at Bridport. Games times can differ throughout the season but are usually held between 11:00 – 13:00.

We also provide a training evening on Tuesday at 18:00 – 19:30.

Cup games at the end of the season may be held over a whole day.


Matches are 13 a side.

We are involved in friendlies, games where we might try out or practice with another team.

We also play cup games from the second part of the season with local teams, with a tournament at the end of the season in April.

Travelling to games usually is between 20 min to an hour with at least 60% of the season at home in Bridport.


The season starts with pre-season fitness in August and finishes on award nights, usually at the end of April. We don’t have a summer schedule.

New players

New players are welcome to come and try out and there is usually a late fee for registration.

New players wanting to try rugby out would not be expected to play rugby straight away as we would want them to have some skills around the game and to feel confident in tackling and feeling safe to play.

Contact the coaches to make arrangements to come to a training on a Tuesday night or Sunday


Subscription fees must be paid at the start of the season or within the trial period for new players.


  • Training and activities for all age groups
  • Kit supplied